Friday, September 19, 2008

Big Idea: Pastor/Staff/Prayer Leader Session

This afternoon you heard John teach on "Why Judgment Tarries" and Chris speak on "Kingdom Prayer". You also spent time connecting with other pastors and leaders.

Something that was said spoke deep within to you. And as a result you've been challenged. What was it? How will it change your life or the life of the church/group you lead?

Share with us by using the "comment" feature on this post.


Rick Lawrenson said...

In our opening prayer session Chris led us to pray through Ephesians 1:15-23.

Lots of prayers around my table for wisdom.

We also prayed for the conference, the speakers and everyone attending; for an outpouring of God's Spirit on the whole event.

Rick Lawrenson said...

John Franklin...

Prayer in the wrong direction does no more good than no prayer at all.

If God's people don't know God's mind because they haven't been in His Word they won't pray in the right direction.

How can His people cry out to Him for revival for over 20 years yet receive no answer? Somewhere we're not praying right.

2 Chronicles 7:14 can't be understood without verse 13. God will act in disciplinary action to get the attention of my people.

Has God changed from the Old Testament to the New?

The judgment of God is a perfect one to one correspondance causing the punishment to fit the crime.
Ahab. Jacob. David.

God requires accountablilty for a Christian's life. Hebrews 10:26ff

If you ever see someone who had wisdom but is "losing it" that is a sign that Christian is under the judgment of God.

So What? Ex. 32:7-ff.
God held them accountable for their idolatry.

Judgment never comes all at once. It comes in stages. But God also applies His mercy at the same time, giving us chance to repent.

God judges consistently because He cannot violate his holiness.

Revival won't come without judgment on our nation. Help us to understand His judgment and His restoration on the other side.

If I pray for revival, what price am I personally willing to pay?

Economic collapse?

Would you be willing to die for revival if that's what it took?

We should as leaders begin to prepare God's people for coming judgment.

When God sends revival He not only restores the relationship but also the assignment.

God always restores what is lost in the judgment.

God is delaying in His mercy to give us time to prepare for what is coming.

CFHusband said...

Looking forward to joining the conference tonight!


Rick Lawrenson said...

Chris Schofield...

Praying strategically toward the Kingdom. Mt. 6 (The Disciples' Prayer)

We've got to move from self-centered prayer to kingdom centered prayer.

The Kingdom came in the Christ.

Where in Scripture do we see the Kingdom being prayed. Missional prayer.

Jn. 17
1. vss. 1-5 - Jesus' prays for the fulfillment of His mission.

Kingdom prayer is always about exalting the Father.

Jn. 8:28-29 is an example of Kingdom prayer.

Kingdom prayer is about eternal life.

Kingdom prayer is about dying to self.

2. Vs. 6-19 Jesus praying for the character of His followers.
We must pray for one another for protection; to be set apart.

3. vss. 24-end Jesus prayed for the mission through His followers
To be with Him

Where is Jesus in your community?

Anonymous said...

Great comment--"Stay Current with God"--The key to keeping the joy and walking in his daily Grace--What a challenge--Stay Current!!!

Anonymous said...

MP13--Great Worship and message in song--God is mighty to save and is at work revealing Himself--Thanks MP13