Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday's Big Idea

Today you heard John and Richard challenge us in regard to prayer. And maybe in the worship time or even during the breaks you had a spiritual breakthrough about how prayer makes a difference.

What was that Big Idea you picked up today that you will take home, meditate on and hopefully share with others?

Use the "comment" feature on this post to share with the rest of us.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday's Big Idea

This evening you heard messages by Mike Cummings and John Franklin. And while there were lots of good things to put into practice, there was one thing someone said in a message, a prayer or a song that hit you square in the heart. As a result, something's going to change in your personal prayer life and/or in the life of your church.

What was it?

Share with us by using the "comment" feature on this post.

Big Idea: Pastor/Staff/Prayer Leader Session

This afternoon you heard John teach on "Why Judgment Tarries" and Chris speak on "Kingdom Prayer". You also spent time connecting with other pastors and leaders.

Something that was said spoke deep within to you. And as a result you've been challenged. What was it? How will it change your life or the life of the church/group you lead?

Share with us by using the "comment" feature on this post.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Check Out Our Conference Blog

During and after the conference you can visit this blog and tell us about what you have learned and how it will affect your prayer life and the life of your church.

So somewhere in your notes write down this URL:

Never blogged before? It's easy. Just follow the instructions on the blog under "comment".