Friday, June 6, 2008


We are excited about the Eastern North Carolina Prayer Conference. Rick Lawrenson and the Nags Head Church will provide an warm and exciting environment for this conference. It is also a joy to partner with the churches of the Chowan Baptist Association to host this event. I would like to thank the steering committee, Rick lawrenson, David Turner, Ed leicester and my assistant Devon Bagwell for their great work with planning and facilitation--Great Job!!

Rick ask me the other day about my thoughts concerning the focus of the conference. The focus I believe can be nothing else but revival and awakening. The church in America is in desperate need of God. I am afraid that if we do not return to Christ in revival--we will continue this rapid decline and this culture will continue its rapid spiritual and moral unraveling.

A theme I have had in my heart is "Refueling for the Journey." Revival must start with me.
My prayer for the conference is that participants will be inspired and challenged to draw close to Christ in personal intimacy and prayer that seeks to advance His Kingdom in a lost world.

All said--I will leave you with a thought and question. Many are asking why revival is not taking place--even with many praying in that way. What are your thoughts on this? Why does revival tarry?

The Journey is before us. The world needs Christ. May my heart and life be a well of living water that presents a real Christ to those around me.

Psalm 85:6


1 comment:

Andy Lawrenson said...

Glad to see that most of the speakers have shed their ties.